Students possess power to oust Museveni—FDC Youth League chairman.

The FDC Youth League Chairman Hon. Mulindwa Walid Lubega has said that students can easily stage a revolution that can end Museveni’s long time regime.Mr.Mulindwa Walid speaking to the FDC students at Kyambogo University

Mr. Mulindwa speaking to Kyambogo students who had come for the FDC general assembly

Mr. Lubega said this at the FDC Kyambogo University Chapter’s general assembly under the theme “Effective Leadership for Academic Excellence” that took place at the Students Center of Kyambogo University yesterday November 5 2019.

He referred to the Indonesian 1998 situation where the violent death of four students led to the end of Suharto’s 38 long term reign because of the massive demonstrations that were staged by the students in the aftermaths of the state’s brutal approach towards them. He implored the students to first overcome fear as they hard done in the first place by coming to the assembly amidst the deployment of police officers everywhere.

“Museveni has invested in us fear but the youth have defeated fear.” Mr. Mulindwa said.

Various FDC leaders were seen including Hon. Namazzi Olive, the LC5 Councilor for Kyambogo Institutions to KCCA, who is also a former guild president of the same University, Hon. Bahati—moving WiFi, the Leader of the Jobless brotherhood, delegates from Makerere University FDC Chapter as well as Kyambogo.

There were also circulating rumors that the Kiira Municipality Member of Parliament Hon. Semujju Nganda had been barred from attending the assembly by the Kyambogo University gatemen. We could not however confirm these rumors.

At the same function, the former guild presidential aspirant on the FDC ticket, Mr. Atto Sebbi Juma officially announced his intention of standing as a Youth Member of Parliament for Oyam district. He requested for massive support from the FDC Chapter for his forthcoming mission and pledged to continue serving on the core principles of FDC.

Many issues were discussed at the function with relation to the theme where students pledged to fight any bad policy that comes with an intention of undermining their plight.

The Vice speaker, Hon. Ruth giving her submission to the Chapter members
Delegates of the FDC Chapter Kyambogo University
Atto Sebbi Juma declares his mission of standing as a youth Member of Parliament for Oyam district come 2021

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